Presentations – Lectures


Professor Panayiotis Kyzas

Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon
Head and Neck Surgeon

Contact Info


+357 25208000


[email protected]

Invited Faculty

  • 2023: Invited international lectures (2) – BAOMS AGM
  • 2023: Invited panel chair international BAOMS AGM
  • 2022: Invited international lecture – EACMFS
  • 2022 – today: Chair of the OMFS Specialty Training Committee HEENW
  • 2021 – today; National OMFS TIG H&N rep – Quality Assurance Lead
  • 2021: Invited international lecture – Singapore “PSP/3D in H&N Surgery”
  • 2021: Invited international lecture – EACMFS
  • 2020: Honorary Senior Lecturer UCLan
  • 2019: Accredited OMFS FRCS examiner
  • 2018: Co-Lead in developing the H&N oncology component of the University of Liverpool OMFS MSc
  • 2014-today: Invited lectures at international level (i.e. Oxford “The management of cN0 neck”, BAOMS “Patient Specific Planning”, Kiele “Improving the methodology of prognosis research”)
  • Faculty member in two national H&N courses run by the Royal College of Surgeons (RCSEd), with significant contribution in writing the course manual and excellent delegates’ feedback
  • Offering themed undergraduate supervision to medical students (with projects published, Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2018;56:847-853, or award winning, 2018)
  • Panel member for regional OSCEs exam for Plastics StR (2016) and OMFS MSc (2018)
  • Representing Greater Manchester H&N Pathway Board with lectures to General Dental Practitioners on early signs of oral cancer
  • 2018: Awarded Surgical Trainer Excellence Award by the deanery (HEENW)
  • 2014 – today: Panel member for selection interviews for OMFS StRs, DCTs and H&N TIG Fellows
  • 2014 – today: Panel Member of OMFS StR ARCP
  • 2014 – today: Member of the OMFS Specialty Training Committee HEENW

Invited Lectures (selection)

  • ICOMS 2023 “Salivary gland surgery”/Chair
  • ICOMS 2023, “Masterclass in microvascular reconstruction”/Chair
  • BAOMS 2023, “OMFS Research”/Chair
  • BAOMS 2023, “Non-surgical interests for surgeons”
  • Singapore “PSP/3D in H&N Surgery” (2021)
  • OMFS MSc – Access Surgery (2020)
  • OMFS MSc – Salvage Surgery (2020)
  • JHAOMS – A road map to becoming a H&N surgeon in the UK (2019)
  • Oral Surgery Club UK – 2019
  • OMFS MSc – The management of neck CUP (2019)
  • Faculty member RCSEd resection tactics and free flap course (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
  • The management of the neck in cN0 disease – Oxford Training Day (2016)
  • Invited lecture Synthes – Proplan at BAOMS 2015 (PSP)
  • “PROGRESS” Workshop – Improving the Methodology of prognosis research, Keele, June 2013
  • “PROGRESS” Workshop – Improving the Methodology of prognosis research, London, 2010
  • Cochrane Colloquium, Freiburg, Germany, 10/2008: Challenges in design, analysis, and reporting of prognostic and predictive marker research – from single studies to an EBM based assessment.

Presentations in conferences (selection)

  • Facial reconstruction. An IDEAL Stage 1 case. The challenges of proposing a first in man surgical technique to overcome the seemingly impossible (IDEAL Conference 2017)
  • A method of inset for a scapula for a scapula with latissimus dorsi free flap when only residual lower lip is preserved (EACMFS Congress 2016)
  • A New Autologous Block-Bone Prefabricated Flap Concept Based on the Supraclavicular Artery Island Flap. IDEAL Stage 1 (EACMFS Congress 2016)
  • 21st ICOMS Barcelona, 21/10/2013. Use of sphere spectrophotometer in assessment of tissue venous congestion and ischemia of forearm skin. A proof of principle study
  • 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris, France, 2005, P47: Lymphatic Invasion and Metastasis in Breast Cancer in the Absence of Intertumoral Lymphatics
  • 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris, France, 2005, P564: Lymphangiogensis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: Evidence and Prognostic Implications
  • 20th European Congress of Pathology, Paris, France, 2005, P973: Estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta) protein expression correlates with BAG-1 and prognosis in brain glial tumours.
  • Seventh International Conference of Anticancer Research, Corfu, 2004, P54: Prognostic significance of VEGF immunohistochemical expression and tumor angiogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
  • 9th Scientific Congress of Students of Dental School, University of Athens, 2002, “Distraction osteogenesis in Craniofacial Complex”.
  • 8th Scientific Congress of Students of Dental School, University of Athens, 2000, “Examination of the relationship between xylitol and dental caries”.
  • 22nd Pan-Hellenic Dental Congress, Kos, 2002, “Benign and reactive tumours of the soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region: Statistical analysis”.
  • 21st Pan-Hellenic Dental Congress, Thessaloniki, 2001, “Prognosis of permanent teeth in the line of mandibular fractures: Statistical analysis”. This study was published in Hellenic Arch Oral Maxillofacial Surg 2003:4;(3):198-207.
  • 20th Pan-Hellenic Dental Congress, Athens, 2000, “Examination of the relationship between xylitol and dental caries”
