Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery


Cosmetic surgery aims to improve the appearance and delay or reverse the effects of the aging process. Facial cosmetic surgery aims to improve the appearance of the face, which is central to every person’s personality – a mirror of the soul.

Your OMFS surgeon will offer you a variety of treatments and surgical procedures, to improve your facial appearance. You will have an in depth discussion with him, so that you can choose the treatment that is more appropriate for you – a personalized approach.

It is important to have realistic expectations about what can be accomplished with facial plastic surgery. You should discuss in depth your visions and goals with your OMFS surgeon. You will be advised to avoid smoking before and after treatment, and have a healthier lifestyle. Some medical conditions are contraindications for cosmetic surgery, and your OMFS surgeon will discuss this with you. It is important to understand that healing process takes time and that the desired result won’t happen immediately after surgery – be patient!

The process of ageing face

Nothing is left untouched by time. Cellular ageing, alongside gravity and environmental factors such as smoking and sun exposure, produces the characteristics of the aging face. Collagen formation is reduced; therefore the skin becomes thinner and less elastic. Wrinkles become more prominent, and nasolabial grooves deepen. Muscle tone decreases. Facial ligaments weaken and fat pads descent. The orbital septum also weakens allowing for fat herniation, which results in eye bags. Marionette lines and jowls appear and the soft tissue laxity in the neck results in the characteristic “wattle”.

Patient assessment

Before embarking in any cosmetic procedures, your OMFS surgeon will take a full medical history. He will ask you about the medications you take paying particular attention to blood thinners (like aspirin or warfarin). If you smoke, you will be asked to quit before your surgeon can offer you treatment. Conditions like diabetes or long-term steroid use might reduce healing and should be under good control prior to any cosmetic treatment.

It is important to establish what is your main concern. Sometimes, you may think that a particular procedure will correct your problem, but your surgeon might recommend a different procedure to achieve the desired result. It is therefore to mention what bothers you and what you expect from your treatment, rather than asking for a particular treatment.

Your surgeon will examine you, and arrange for clinical photographs. He will discuss the most appropriate treatment with you so that you can make an informed decision.

The most common facial cosmetic surgical procedures are:

  1. Facelift and Necklift
  2. Blepharoplasty
  3. Browlift
  4. Rhinoplasty
  5. Otoplasty